What Does Height and Weight Do Again Dark Arisen

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Human relationship of gain in height to proceeds in weight


J.C. Waterlow

xv Hillgate Street, London W8 7SP, U.k.

There are some interesting, although not entirely consistent, observations in the literature on the temporal patterns of gains in height and in weight. Brownish and his colleagues in People's republic of bangladesh made a longitudinal study of the growth of children over a flow of 14 months (Dark-brown, Black & Becker, 1982). Weight gains were minimal in August, towards the terminate of the monsoon, and so, every bit food became bachelor, reached a peak in Feb. Superlative gains were minimal in Jan and reached tiptop in Apr-May. Thus superlative gains followed weight gains past iii-4 months. Very similar seasonal effects on growth were observed by Nabarro et al. (1988) in Nepal. Again, growth in height lagged behind growth in weight past almost 3 months. On the other hand, in The The gambia both top and weight gains were lowest in the rainy flavor, between June and Nov, and both increased in December, when the dry season began, with no separation in time (McGregor et al., 1968). In Kenya, Wiersinga & van Rens (1973) made detailed study of six children; they also establish that the peaks and troughs of weight velocity and height velocity coincided. The amplitude of the swings in tiptop velocity varies with age, and seems to be greatest in the second twelvemonth of life. In the studies mentioned, the maximum peak velocity was about 3 times the minimum. If anything, it appears to be slightly less in The Gambia, which is surprising because there the loftier prevalence of diarrhoeal disease which occurs in the wet season is accompanied by a massive increase in malaria transmission (McGregor et al., 1956), so that one would wait a greater low of growth, followed, perhaps, by a greater degree of catch-upwardly. Information technology is notoriously difficult to compare dissimilar countries, but the information from Asia propose that the time-lag in that location is a real phenomenon.

Children recovering from malnutrition provide further bear witness of such a human relationship. Walker & Gold (1988) analysed the records of 369 children recovering from malnutrition at the Tropical Metabolism Enquiry Unit, Jamaica. Their average stay in the ward was 31 days, which is not very long for recording increases in length, and indeed the length gains were very variable. However, two points stand out from their analysis: first, that the rate of gain in length was negatively correlated with the initial length, so that the more stunted children grew the fastest. Secondly, in the bulk of children linear growth did not brainstorm until they had achieved at least 85% of expected weight-for-length. The observations of Costello (1989) in Nepal are relevant here. Fig. 1 shows that in children studied over a period of 6 months weight gain and pinnacle gain were related in diametrically opposite means to initial weight for length. There was very little superlative proceeds, only maximal weight gain in children who were initially underweight. Of course one might suppose that the overweight children who grew and so well in meridian came from better-off families and therefore naturally grew better, but this does zero to derange the positive correlation between height gain and weight.

Fig. 1. Event of a child'south initial nutritional status on subsequent growth velocity.

To me this implies a physiological relationship. The merely explanation that I tin suggest is that it is well established that circulating levels of IGF-1 are reduced in astute malnutrition (Unterman et al., 1985; Clemmons et al., 1985), and quickly ascent when free energy and protein are provided (Isley, Underwood & Clemmons, 1983). These levels may have to exist maintained for some fourth dimension before the results go manifest in an increase in linear growth. I admit that this is pure speculation. My point is that the relationship to body weight may provide a clue to the regulation of linear growth. It is as if at that place were a bag which has to exist filled up before it tin increment in size, as suggested past Millward (personal advice).


Brown KH, Black RE & Becker Southward (1982): Seasonal changes in nutritional status and the prevalence of malnutrition in a longitudinal written report of young children in rural Bangladesh. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 36, 303-313.

Clemmons DR, Underwood LE, Dickerson RN, Brownish RO, Hak LJ, MacPhee RD & Heizer WD (1985): Utilize of somatomedin-C/insulin-like growth cistron 1 measurements to monitor the response to nutritional repletion in malnourished patients. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 41, 191-198.

Costello AM de L (1989): Growth velocity and stunting in rural Nepal. Arch. Dis. Child 64, 1478-1482.

Isley WL, Underwood LE & Clemmons DR (1983): Dietary components that regulate serum somatomedin-C concentrations in humans. J. Clin. Invest. 71, 175-182.

McGregor IA, Gilles HM, Walters JH, Davies JH & Pearson FA (1956): Effects of heavy and repeated malarial infections on Gambian infants and children. Br. Med. J. ii, 686-692.

McGregor IA, Rahman AK, Thompson B, Billewicz WZ & Thomson AM (1968): The growth of young children in a Gambian village. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 62, 341-352.

Nabarro D, Howard P, Cassels C, Pant Thou, Wijga A & Padfield N (1988): The importance of infections and ecology factors as possible determinants of growth retardation in less-developed countries. Vevey: Nestle Nutrition/New York: Raven Press.

Unterman TG, Vasquez RM, Slas AJ, Martyn PA & Phillips LS (1985): Diet and somatomedin XIII. Usefulness of somatomedin-C in nutritional assessment. Am. J. Med. 78, 228-234.

Walker SP & Golden MHN (1988): Growth in length of children recovering from severe malnutrition. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 42, 395-404.

Wiersinga A & van Rens MM (1973): The simultaneous event of protein-calorie malnutrition on weight and height velocity. Env. Child Wellness (Special Issue).


The beginning part of the discussion focused on the difficulties in establishing temporal relations between weight proceeds and elevation gain. First, there is the concrete difficulty of measuring gains in acme, which over brusque periods are inevitably small. Fifty-fifty the knemometer does non resolve this trouble; for example, running for an hour can produce a change in lower leg length equivalent to 1 month's growth (Karlberg).

And then at that place is the question of variability, which has many sources. Fifty-fifty in well-to-do communities there are normal children who are tall and sparse; it is perfectly possible for a kid to grow usually in length even through he/she is merely 85% of expected weight-for-summit, the indicate at which, in children recovering from malnutrition, growth takes off (Walker & Golden, 1988). Whether such differences in body shape are genetically determined is not clear; at that place certainly seem to exist ethnic differences in shape, equally exemplified, for instance, by the pastoralists of East Africa (Ulijaszek).

Another source of variability that affects shorter term measurements is that growth occurs in spurts, and then that a kid may actually be growing in length for only five-10% of the fourth dimension (Allen) (see also paper by Ulijaszek and discussion after the paper of Nilsson et al.). Weight gain also occurs irregularly. Are the spurts in height and weight gain related, or do they merely stand for random biological variations?

Growth appears also to exist influenced by a biological clock. In Europe it was shown many years agone that children gain more top in the jump and more weight in the fall (Prentice; Lodeweyckx; see also paper by Ulijaszek). In blind children the seasonality of growth is not synchronized with the light-dark wheel, and in developed countries it is reversed (Karlberg). It seems, therefore, to exist an unresolved question how far the seasonal variation is innate and how far it is determined past seasonal factors such as food, disease, or possibly sunlight and its consequence on vitamin D metabolism. A few observations were contributed near the mechanism of the seasonal effect. In the cat it has been found that the calorie-free-nighttime wheel was accompanied past variations in the secretion of growth hormone (Karlberg). In a longitudinal written report of bone growth in Italian republic, opposite to what one might expect, the peak excretion of cross-links, which may be taken as a marker for bone growth (run into paper by Robins), occurred in the winter, coinciding with the peak of weight gain, while superlative proceeds was greatest two months later (Branca). This discrepancy in timing might be explained by the difficulty mentioned earlier, of measuring brusque-term changes in peak.

A farther complicating cistron is the possibility that physical activity acts equally a stimulus for bone growth through the pull of muscles on the ends of the long bones (see paper by Golding). Gilt, for instance, said that he had been looking at the output in the urine of cantankerous-links, which provide a measure of bone turnover (Branca et al., 1992; encounter paper by Robins). He related this to the creatinine-pinnacle alphabetize, which is a mensurate of muscle mass. Both in normal and in malnourished children bone turnover and meridian gain were related to muscle mass. Ane hypothesis to explicate these findings would be based on physical activity: as children proceeds weight and put on muscle, they become more active. This stresses the bones and stimulates linear growth. Experiments demand to exist done to separate this mechanical effect from that of increased nutrient intake (Jéquier).

In spite of these sources of variation, in that location are clinical findings which support Gold's conclusions, that weight proceeds precedes height gain. The instance of coeliac affliction is well known from the early on work of Prader. In a written report in Italian republic on children with this disease there was a lag of 11/2-21/two months between height gain and weight gain (Karlberg). Some observations suggest that bone growth may occur at the expense of soft tissue growth. In a study in Federal democratic republic of ethiopia, the greatest seasonal gain in height was in those children who had the highest weight: peak ratios, but these were besides the children with the greatest seasonal loss of weight. Observations of the aforementioned kind have been made in Italy. Similarly, when obese children are put on a reducing diet, they bear witness a rapid increase in height; maturation is accelerated, and they come up to puberty at an earlier historic period (Lodeweyckx). Goose egg is known about the way in which these relationships depend on hormones, their receptors and binding proteins.

Ane general hypothesis advanced the possibility of competition between os and soft tissues. 1 object of such competition might exist sulphate, which is essential for the growth of cartilage. Indeed, the uptake of labelled sulphate by cartilage fragments was the basis of the original bioassay of insulin-similar growth factors. Not much seems to be known about the dietary intake of sulphate every bit such; information technology is likely that almost of it is derived from the sulphur amino acids. In the child recovering from malnutrition 1 could suppose that if these amino acids are not in generous supply, in that location is an lodge of precedence of division in their uptake, muscle having priority over cartilage, and visceral organs over musculus (Waterlow, 1990). 1 could visualize a serial of switches that come into operation at different stages of catch-up growth, merely equally in ontogeny. The question then would be how far the switching sequence is affected by the amino acrid supply. In this context mention was made of some unpublished studies in both children and experimental animals, in which the ratio of sulphur to nitrogen in the urine was reduced on a low protein diet, every bit if sulphur was existence preferentially conserved (Waterlow).


Branca F, Robins SP, Ferro-Luzzi A & Golden MHN (1992): Bone turnover in malnourished children. Lancet 340, 1493-1496.

Walker SP & Golden MHN (1988): Growth in length of children recovering from severe protein-free energy malnutrition. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr. 42, 395-404.

Waterlow JC (1990): Energy-sparing mechanisms: reductions in torso mass, BMR and activity: their relative importance and priority in undernourished infants and children. In Activity, free energy expenditure and energy requirements of infants and children, eds B Schürch & NS Scrimshaw, pp. 239-251. Lausanne: IDECG/Nestlé Foundation.

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Source: https://archive.unu.edu/unupress/food2/UID06E/UID06E0H.HTM

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