The Height of a Rocket (in Meters) Can Be Represented by the Following Equation
USE MATLAB . 8.two The height ofa rocket [in meters) can he...
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eight.ii The height ofa rocket [in meters) tin he represented by the post-obit equation: height = two.13t2 — 0.0013551 + 0.000034t4-751} Create a vector oftime [th values from III to 1E|D at 2-2d intervals. a. Use the find function to determine when the rocket hits the ground to within 2 seconds. (Hint: The value of height volition be positive for all values until the rocket hits the ground.) 0. Use the max function to determine the maximum elevation ofthe rocket and the corresponding time. c. Create a plot with ton the horizontal axis and meridian on the vertical centrality fortimes until the rocket hits the basis. Ele certain to add a championship and axis labels.*
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