Explain Drawing and Painting Tools

Painting and Drawing Tools

Painting computer software is offered to producing crafted bitmapped images. Drawing software as Corel Draw and Canvas is offered to generating vector depend line art easily printed to paper by using Postscript or the other Thomas Nelson Page brand functioning system as Quick Drag.

Main features or criteria for selection are as:

  • Intuitive graphical interface along with pulling down menus, palette ascertain, status bars and duologue boxes for rapid analytical selection.
  • Scalable dimensions for resizing, distorting and stretch.
  • Key tools to make pure mathematics shapes.
  • Capability to pour a tinge, slope operating theatre convention.
  • Capability to paint along with patterns and clip arts.
  • Customizable compose and brushing sizes and shape.
  • For colour sampling, eyedropper tools.
  • Auto trace joyride for converting bitmapped images into vector based outlines.
  • Multiple undoes abilities.
  • Support for scalable text fonts.
  • Painting features along with anti-aliasing, masking, discolor washing, air brushing, blending etc.
  • Support for third political party particular effects.
  • Object and layering abilities.
  • Zooming for increased pixel redaction.
  • All all-purpose colour depths.
  • Serious file importation and exportation abilities.

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Explain Drawing and Painting Tools

Source: http://www.expertsmind.com/questions/painting-and-drawing-tools-in-multimedia-30152149.aspx

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