Captain Jack Eager to Return to Doctor Who


There might be a new Doctor in the TARDIS, but that doesn't bother Captain Jackass one morsel.

Actor John Barrowman, also known as Maitre d'hotel Jack Harkness, says that not only would he equal to return to the Doc WHO fold, IT's really already been discussed. Barrowman early played Harkness in the 2005 series of Doctor up Who earlier going connected to star in the spin off series Torchwoord.

Harkness accompanied the Doctor and Rose until the end of the first season, where atomic number 2 is killed past the Daleks then resurrected – and rendered immortal – by Rose when she takes the TARDIS' time maelstrom into herself. Unfortunately, helium is left behind, and is forced to make his own way back to Ground. Atomic number 2 crosses paths with the Doctor on a number of occasions after that, most recently the episode "Journey's End," where he helped the Bushel foil other Dalek plot. Harkness is also notable for being the first openly non-heterosexual character in the Doctor WHO TV show.

Barrowman said that he would return to Repair Who at the "drop of a hat," although he did express a confident amount of regret that he wouldn't get to operate with Jacques Louis David Tennant again. "I like Matt Smith," he said. "He brings his own quirkiness to IT … There's a whole new multiplication who are now attached to Matt, and justifiedly so … but David Tennant is my Doctor."

It would be interesting to see Captain Jack back in the TARDIS once again. He's the aforementioned good-natured of character as River Song – the fully fledged time traveller/venturer – but doesn't have quite as much liberal arts luggage, although it's intemperately to imagine him not flirting with Matt Smith's Doctor. The interaction between Jack, Rory and Amy, assuming that they all ended up in the TARDIS put together, could be a heck of a lot of fun to watch arsenic recovered.

Source: Blastr


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